It is not easy to start involving with SocialCRM particularly for those organizations which are new to this. Because of that, CRM experts want to help you how to undertake an enterprise Social CRM strategy to set the organization for improved branding and customer relationship using Social CRM tools and processes.
First is to determine the organizational goals that SocialCRM will support and the scope of SocialCRM because it covers lot of areas in an organization. You need to determine the elements that are necessary of an organizations to reach and achieve their goals. Some of these elements discuss topics about the internal and external audiences, which are the customers, suppliers, partners vs. employees and contractor, stand alone and integrated with core business systems, and business application, which covers some important data on product development, customer service, marketing, and sales. Next is to recruit stakeholders, in which you are to find individuals, workgroups, departments, divisions, etc., who need to be on board for Social CRM to succeed and get them involved. Then determine what the current state of SocialCRM is– what technology, processes, policies, procedures, awareness, people skills and so on, are already in place to support Social CRM and which are not. Define the future state. You have to determine what will be Social CRM be like in the future to support organizational goals you have selected. And finally, build the road map. Sketch the road map of you plans or those things need to be done.
These steps are even closely in making enterprise strategy and familiar for those who experienced making such strategy. This process serves as the foundation for successfully planning and executing any program, Social CRM or otherwise.